(12)Type SL self-locking nuts are designed with a unique and economical TRI-DENT® locking feature, which meets demanding locking performance requirements.
3 cycle locking performance. Achieved using steel socket head cap screws, 180 ksi / property class 12.9 with standard finish of thermal oxide and light oil.
Recommended for use in sheets HRB (Rockwell “B” scale) 80 or less and HB (Hardness Brinell) 150 or less.
(14)Type SL self-locking nuts are designed with a unique and economical TRI-DENT® locking feature, which meets demanding locking performance requirements.
3 cycle locking performance. Achieved using steel socket head cap screws, 180 ksi / property class 12.9 with standard finish of thermal oxide and light oil.
Recommended for use in sheets HRB (Rockwell “B” scale) 80 or less and HB (Hardness Brinell) 150 or less.
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