(24)No matter how sophisticated or advanced, electronic components must be attached reliably and securely ifthey are to deliver optimum performance. We offer several fastener products for use with PC boards to satisfy component-to-board, board-to-board, and board-to-chassis attachment needs.
Threaded broaching studs for use as solderable connectors or as permanently mounted studs on PC boards./Asset/KFH.jpg
(18)No matter how sophisticated or advanced, electronic components must be attached reliably and securely if they are to deliver optimum performance. We offer several fastener products for use with PC boards to satisfy component-to-board, board-to-board, and board-to-chassis attachment needs.
Threaded broaching studs for use as solderable connectors or as permanently mounted studs on PC boards./Asset/KFH.jpg
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You can search this site in different ways. Try searching using the following methods: Product Family: “Self-clinching nuts" Part Number: "S-632-1ZI" Type: “S,SS,CL,CLS,SP,CLA"