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Part #

Thread Size x Pitch

E Nom.

H + 0.05 -0.15

L ± 0.25

T Nom.


N/A M3 x 0.5 N/A 4.70 mm N/A 1.91 mm N/A 8.38 mm N/A 3.30 mm N/A CAD Icon (for items table)
N/A M4 x 0.7 N/A 6.30 mm N/A 1.91 mm N/A 8.38 mm N/A 3.30 mm N/A CAD Icon (for items table)
N/A M5 x 0.8 N/A 7.10 mm N/A 1.91 mm N/A 8.38 mm N/A 3.30 mm N/A CAD Icon (for items table)
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